Publicaties, keynotes en onderwijs in 2012-2013
De jaren 2012 en 2013 waren voor mij de omschakeling van werken in Nederland naar werken in het buitenland met projecten, workshops, keynotes en congressen in Italië, Oostenrijk, Belarus, Rusland, Polen, Australië, en China. In 2013 was ik een groot deel van het jaar op reis. De projecten en (internationale) workshops vonden plaats in Nanjing, Hangzhou, Shantou, Rome, Wenen, Wuhan, Chongqing, Minsk, Moskou, Lublin, Kunming en toch ook gewoon in Zwolle, Delft, Eindhoven, Amsterdam en Rotterdam. Voor ISOCARP, met enerverende congressen in Perm en Brisbane, was ik destijds als Vice President de programmamanager van de Urban Planning Advisory Teams. Veel van de binnenlandse en buitenlandse activiteiten en de daaruit voortvloeiende publicaties kwamen voort uit de netwerken van de BNSP en respectievelijk ISOCARP.
Publicaties 2012-2013
- Jiangbei New District, Nanjing, ISOCARP Urban Planning Advisory Team Report, Awais Piracha, Dhiru Thadani, Martin Dubbeling, et al. Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau, 2013.
- The Big Jump Forwards, an Example of China’s Pursuit Towards a New Pattern of Growth, Hongyang Wang and Martin Dubbeling, in ISOCARP Review 09 Frontiers of Planning, Visionary futures for human settlements, Shi Nan and Jim Reilly (ed.), page 188-199, 2013.
- Organic Regeneration of the Shantou Down Town Area, ISOCARP UPAT Report, Amos Brandeis, Markus Appenzeller, Martin Dubbeling, et al., Institute of Planning and Design of the Nanjing University and the Shantou Planning Bureau in the Guangdong Region, 2013.
- Wat is gebiedsontwikkeling in het Chinees? II, Martin Dubbeling, column op de weblog van Duurzaam Gebouwd, november 2013.
- New East Coastal Area International Urban Design Competition, Martin Dubbeling, Guy Castelain Perry, et al., ISOCARP Jury Report, Shantou Rural and Urban Planning Bureau, 2013.
- Urban Planning and Design Competitions, How can the public and private sector efficiently and economically obtain innovative, high-quality, multi-disciplinary plans and designs for large-scale projects?, Martin Dubbeling, Sébastien Goethals, Ric Stephens, in Oregon’s Planning Journal, Winter 2013, page 14-16, 2013.
- Organic Regeneration of the Shan Nan Desakota Area, Martin Dubbeling, Ric Stephens, et al., Part 1 Research and Strategy, Team of Dutch Experts Report for the Institute of Planning and Design of the Nanjing University and the Shantou Rural and Urban Planning Bureau in the Guangdong Region, 2013.
- Wat is gebiedsontwikkeling in het Chinees? I, Martin Dubbeling, column op de weblog van Duurzaam Gebouwd, augustus, 2013.
- Fast(er) Forward, Towards Perm as a Science City of the 21st Century, Pietro Elisei, Jaap Modder, Martin Dubbeling, et al., ‘The City as a Campus’, ISOCARP UPAT Report for the Ministry of Education of the Perm Region and the City Project Bureau of Perm, 2013.
- Integrating Urban Economies for Sustainable Cities, Martin Dubbeling, Niels Kropman, et al., ISOCARP YPP Report for UN Habitat, the Government of Kenya, the City Council of Nairobi, the Architectural Association of Kenya and the University of Nairobi, 2013.
- Na de olie, Martin Dubbeling, in de Blauwe Kamer 5-2012, tijdschrift voor landschapsarchitectuur en stedenbouw, pagina 48-53, 2012.
- Wuhan East Lake Scenic Area, Development Strategies and Sustainability Concepts, Ric Stephens, Chris Gossop, Martin Dubbeling, et al., ISOCARP UPAT Report for the Wuhan Planning and Design Institute, 2012.
- Report (Perm), Fast Forward!, Martin Dubbeling, in ’Scape 1-2012, the international magazine for landscape architecture and urbanism, page 12-13, 2012.
- Klimaatbeleid vereist duurzame ruimtelijke ontwikkeling, Martin Dubbeling, in de Blauwe Kamer 1-2012, tijdschrift voor landschapsarchitectuur en stedenbouw, pagina 75-76, 2012.
- Het jaar van de bevrijding, Martin Dubbeling, column in Duurzaam Gebouwd Visie 2012, januari 2012, pagina 39, 2012.
Keynotes en presentaties 2012-2013
- Keynote: UPAT Workshops as a tool for Ecology and Mitigation Hazard Prevention, Regional Congress on Ecological Preservation and Risk Management for Cities in Mountainous Areas, Urban Planning Society of China (UPSC), Chongqing, China, PR of China, 12-13 December 2013.
- Keynote: UPAT Workshops as a tool for Ecology and Mitigation Hazard Prevention, Regional Congress on Ecological Preservation and Risk Management for Cities in Mountainous Areas, Urban Planning Society of China (UPSC), Chongqing, China, PR of China, 12-13 December 2013.
- Keynote: Experiences UPAT Workshops in China, Urbanisation and Urban-Rural Planning Research Centre of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing, PR of China, 11 December 2013.
- Guest Lecture: Results UPAT workshops August-December 2013 ‘Jiangbei New District’, Nanjing City Council and Nanjing Urban Planning Bureau, Nanjing, PR of China, 10 December 2013.
- Initiating and moderating the UPAT Seminar, Results of the 2013 UPAT Workshops in Shantou, Tlalnepantla and Nanjing, 49th ISOCARP Congress Frontiers of Planning – Evolving and Declining Models of City Planning, Brisbane, Australia, 01-04 October 2013.
- Over de transformatie naar duurzame energie in stedelijke regio’s, Startbijeenkomst Tiende Eo Wijers prijsvraag, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam, 20 juni 2013.
- Paper presentation: Energy Planning and Spatial Planning in The Netherlands, REAL CORP Conference Planning Times, Rome, Italy, 20-23 May 2013.
- Keynote: The Changing Role and Position of Urban Planners, Architecture and Urban Planning in Belarus, Challenges and Perspectives International Congress, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Belarusian Union of Architects, Minsk, Belarus, 14-15 November 2012.
- Organisatie, introductie keynotes en workshops, Jaarcongres BNSP & NVTL Klimaatbeleid en Duurzame Ontwikkeling, Utrecht, 08 November 2012.
- Keynote: Innovation in Planning, Forum of Planning in a Transforming Context, Shantou, PR of China,, 20 October 2012.
- Keynote: Planning in a Multi-Culture World, joint session Urban Planning Society of China and ISOCARP, Annual National Planning Conference of the Urban Planning Society of China (UPSC), Kunming, PR of China, 18 October 2012.
- Keynote: The Changing Role and Position of Urban Planners, IVth Congress of Polish Urbanism, Lublin, Poland, 19-21 September 2012.
- Initiating and moderating the UPAT Seminar, Results of the UPAT Workshops in Wuhan and Perm, 48th ISOCARP Congress Fast Forward, Planning in a (hyper) dynamic urban context, Perm, Russia, 10-13 September 2012.
- Keynote: The Dutch Mountain, Sustainability Comes in Strange Ways, REAL CORP 2012 Re-mixing the City, Towards Sustainability and Resilience? Schwechat Vienna, Austria, 14-16 May 2012.
- Guest Lecture: Exchange of Knowledge and Experience in City Planning and Implementing Mega Projects, Perm Forum 2012, Perm 3.0 – New Development Trajectory, economic conference, Perm, Russia, 18-21 April 2012.
- Duurzame Stedenbouw, Raad voor de Leefomgeving en Infrastructuur, Den Haag, 08 Maart 2012.
- Ruimtelijke Kwaliteit en Duurzaamheid, Masterclass voor de provincie Overijssel, Zwolle, 12 Januari 2012.
Onderwijsactiviteiten 2012-2013
- Gastcollege: City, suburbs, or countryside: model for development of new areas of Moscow, Moscow Urban Forum 2013 and ‘Industrial Heritage in European Cities’ Moscow Architectural Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation, 05-07 December 2013.
- Gastcollege: Views on Urban Planning and Design in Shantou, Seminar organized by East and West Architects, Shantou University of Applied Science, Shantou, PR of China, 20 August 2013.
- Gastcollege: Duurzame Stedelijke Ontwikkeling, Faculteit der Bouwkunde, TU Delft, 29 Mei 2013.
- Keynote: Results and lessons learned from the TDE and UPAT workshops ‘Organic Regeneration of the Shan Nan Desakota Area’ and ‘Organic Regeneration of the Shantou Downtown Area’, New Reform, New Planning, New Urbanisation, Institute of Planning and Design, Nanjing University, Nanjing, PR of China, 04-06 April 2013.
- Guest lecture: The Changing Role and Position of Urban Planners, Faculty of Architecture, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus, 16 November 2012.
- Coordinator of Sustainable Urban Planning and Design in the Netherlands, lectures and 48hrs student design workshop, College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, PR of China, 23-24 October 2012.
- Gastcollege: Duurzame Stedelijke Ontwikkeling, Wibautleerstoel, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 12 April 2012.
- Gastcollege: De Economie van de Stad, de Zoektocht naar een Duurzaam Werkmilieu, Faculteit Bouwkunde, Studievereniging VIA, TU Eindhoven, 06 Maart 2012.